
Planetary Highlights of 2007

Ephemerissimo aims to provide planetary information for the coming year that in many respects goes beyond what you would find in an ephemeris.

It adds information like element, mode and dignity tallies for any date; dates when planets are in their "retrograde shadow"; lunar phases that are intensified by perigees (Supermoons) and zero and maximum declinations; charts for the Saros-starting eclipses as well as the 2007 eclipses; eclipse maps; the Moon's occultations of planets and major stars; certain relevant but usually overlooked aspects; positions and aspects of the major midpoints; conjunctions to the Cardinal Axis; lunar and planetary declination cycles with out-of-bounds periods; and maximum elongations and heliacal risings and settings of Mercury and Venus. If unusual, seldom-occurring astronomical events are predicted, it also includes them.

To view and download it all as a PDF file, click below:

The Planets in 2007