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In Memoriam
Patricia Louise White
December 22, 1938 - July 6, 2016


It was with immense sadness that we announce the loss of one of Astrolabe's co-founders, our beloved Pat White. Each of us as well as Roy Gillett, our dealer in the UK, have written some thoughts about Pat. Pat was well loved and we appreciate all of the lovely comments about her that we've received via email and on Facebook. She would be so touched. Thank you all for your kind expressions of sympathy.

      The Astrolaborers


Thank you to all who attended the celebration of Astrolabe Co-Founder Pat White's life.

On September 17, 2016 we gathered together to celebrate the life of Patricia Louise White. There was laughter, there were tears, there was food... and there were good friends and family gathered together for one singular purpose -- to honor the kind, generous and gracious woman we all loved. We'd like to share the following poem which Justine Hand found among Pat's papers and which she read at the service. It spoke to Pat and it undoubtedly will speak to the many astrologers who will read it here. We are very grateful to the author, Elizabeth Spring,, for the beauty of these words and for allowing us to reprint it here.

Soul Work; Astrologer's Prayer of Thanks

by Elizabeth Spring

I want to give thanks for the work I do.
I want to pay homage to the gods, goddesses,
symbols, signs and synchronicities
that make their appearance as grace
when the choice is made ‘to ask and then to receive.’
Whether called or not called, God is present.

I want to give thanks for the chance to be a messenger—
To bring the good news that all is well,
and all manner of things are well--
that life has meaning
that there is a rhyme and reason,
a warp and woof, an inner and an outer,
an ‘as above, so below’.

I want to give thanks for the only system of knowledge
that makes sense to me; that honors our life cycles as well
as the season’s cycles-
that sees meaning, where others see despair
that sees patterns, where others see chaos
that sees hope and evolution,
where others see none.

I want to give thanks for this ancient soul language
that challenges me to find the words to translate
the subtle geometry of the Soul; a language
that sees little acts of change as large acts of courage--
that delights at seeing the shy smile of recognition
when the person story meets the archetypal story
and is truly heard.

I want to give thanks for this spiritual practice
That has repeatedly shown me that I am wrong--
That what I see first, is not all there is--
That people are far richer, more complex
and nobler than I could ever imagine,
and that what I see as God or human flaw
is flawless in design.
For the gift is in the effort--
In the practice of reaching to understand
all the unknowable mysteries
for which I am so truly grateful.

Patricia White, Astrologer
Patricia White, Astrologer, Memorial Program
Patricia White, Astrologer, Memorial Program

Patricia White, founder of Astrolabe

Some memories of Pat shared by colleagues and friends

Patricia White and I began to work on the early NCGR Journals around 1973 and had met socially earlier. It is now 2016 and we have always found ourselves working on one common astrological project or another. Our last project was a little computer company called Astro-Graphic Service, Inc. It grew and morphed into Astrolabe, Inc., arguably the dominant astrological computer company in the world, influencing more astrologers directly than any number of books or teachers. This growth was due, in large part, to Pat’s excellent marketing and presentation of the company to the world. Pat was an extraordinary communicator – she was the original Peggy from the TV show, Mad Men, a female jingle writer in the early 60’s in NYC on Madison Avenue. That show could have been her biography for that period of her life.

Her interest in astrology and the occult led her to mingle in the East Village astrology scene in the late 60s and 70s. The social crew that formed at that time included so many of the people that became well known and influential in astrology that one can liken it to the café society of Dorothy Parker or the members of Ken Kesey’s magical bus and many other groups where all its members become cultural giants in the field they represent. From the origins of NCGR to the rise of all the famous NY astrological bookstores along with the publication of masterworks of the astrological field, Pat was there for all of it. She made her mark by being the most knowledgeable astrological student in the room. An editorial master, Pat made the understanding of the printed word easy and accessible. You have read her writing all through your own studies in astrology without even knowing it. She rarely signed as a contributor to most of her work as she shied away from any sort of publicity and preferred to give the credit to others.

I lived at Rob Hand’s house for some time in late 1979 and 1980 while we built the early version of Astrolabe, AGS, and experienced Pat’s eclectic cooking and the magic of (then) Rob and Pat’s companionship. Peas and apples with horseradish sauce, yum. But the Rock Harbor House was the center of the astrological universe and Pat added the light. Moving her out of her St. Marks Street, NY apartment was amazing as Pat transformed herself into an old Ukrainian babushka to avoid her landlord. Before Cape Cod, she and I would often run around NY in the middle of the night after working on projects and visit places like Wayne Booher’s loft on 29th St or Charles Emerson’s house – NY was abuzz 24/7 with astrology in those days and Pat drank it all in. You know, that in all these years that we worked together, we were like oil and water, both of us stubbornly holding on to ridiculous positions concerning whatever we were doing. Yet, we always managed to get the job done, the graphics complete, the printing finished and the work was always correct and, in the end, terrific.

A gentle soul with rarely a negative word about anything (except politics and health) she was the supportive energy that underlies everything she has come in contact with. Educated at Wellesley, culturally erudite to a fault, well-traveled and loved by all that knew her, Pat was often stubborn and difficult to argue a point with because she was so often right. She demonstrated a wisdom that transcends material desires or needs and lived her life accordingly. It is often said that when a person dies an encyclopedia of human knowledge vanishes with them. In Patricia’s case, astrology lost the equivalent of the Library of Alexandria. I lost a dear friend.

- Gary Christen

I first met Pat in 1980 when I went to Cape Cod to visit Gary Christen and meet the AGS/Astrolabe crew. They had been in business less than a year and were still working from Rob’s house on Rock Harbor Road in Orleans. Pat was incredibly sweet to me and I sampled the famous peas and apples with horseradish sauce that Gary mentions. It was yummy and it became a staple on my Thanksgiving table for a number of years after.

Over the years, I would visit periodically but it was in 1994, when I joined the Astrolabe staff, that I really came to know Pat. We were a marketing team and we worked together well despite our very different approaches to getting things done. Gary once referred to us as spit and polish. I would get the basics on paper and she would shine it up. I was a broad vision person, she was into details. Being almost exact solar opposites, we really were two sides of the same coin…. she a winter solstice baby and I a summer one. We shared the same middle name, we were both only children and we both were of Italian ancestry. We also shared a similar philosophy of life and business, which made our work partnership easy and fun.

One of the best parts of my day would be our frequent office chats which would morph from something work related to talking about all sorts of things – the latest movie or restaurants, politics, books, TV, the current astro gossip, our past and present lovers, family, health and nutrition, and even fashion… it was from Pat that I learned that there was such a thing as a backless bra! When it came to health issues that you or a loved one was suffering, Pat would absolutely deluge you with information on alternative treatments or therapies. She was never pushy about it but she made sure that you were informed so that you could make your own decision. It was this kind of devotion and passion that she showed her partner of 20 years, Alan Dodge, as she became his caregiver and advocate. She nursed and loved him back from many health crises in the last few years.

Her untimely death seems all the more ironic because of how she lived. She was incredibly health conscious… she took tons of supplements, ate well, saw the best alternative practitioners, including holistic MDs. But, in the end, she found herself in the hands of the traditional MDs and medical system she never wanted any part of or ever thought she would need. She was very complimentary about the care she received at Cape Cod Hospital and from the doctors and nurses. When we visited her the night before she passed, she was unconscious, shrouded in blankets to keep her warm. But, you could see her face and beautiful skin shining through. She looked peaceful and comfortable, which gave us a great deal of comfort.

To say that I will miss Pat is an understatement. Her kindness, generosity, friendship, wisdom were always there for the taking. I just can’t imagine Astrolabe without her.

- Madalyn Hillis-Dineen

We first met Pat White at the height of a 1984 New Zealand summer, when on 19th January Jupiter conjuncted Neptune at in the very first minute of Capricorn and the Sun was about to make its annual conjunction to Roy's Mercury in early Aquarius. Pat was there with Rob to play a major part in the nation's astrology conference.

The sense of recognition and friendship was immediate and has developed and lasted ever since. In the late 1980s, Pat recognised Roy's potential to distribute and support software. He became Astrolabe's British representative, enabling him to contribute to the vital software developments that are transforming today's astrology.

It is this natual ability of Pat's natal Capricorn New Moon in her twelfth house that made her see potential in others, give opportunities and encourage their development. This played an important (behind the scenes) part in creating the astro-tools we depend on. Combined with Mars / Venus / North Node and MC all in Scorpio, this has made her an important transformative person in the growth of astrological excellence for very many years.

Pat was a tireless perfectionist, devoted to constant improvement. She always had time for one more consideration. Yet, it never felt that she was putting you 'on the spot'; rather she gathered people into her world of ever-deepening understanding that deserved all the time and effort we could muster. So she left us at a special time for her with progressed Moon in Scorpio near an exact trine to progressed Jupiter in Pisces, both making a grand trine to transiting Sun and Mercury in Cancer. As, in these trying times, we rest in the quality world she worked so hard to create for astrology, may we remember her by dedicating our lives to making the best use of it for the benefit of as many people as possible.

-Roy and Carolyn Gillett

What can you say about Pat White?
Pat White was a quick wit, a kind heart, generous of spirit and a seeker of truth. Many times she had given me books that she thought I would find enlightening. She had an open mind and accepted people for who they were. I'm fortunate to have known her. She was a good friend and a bright soul and a great editor. She will be missed very much.

- Ray White

I have worked here at Astrolabe and have known Pat for 20 years. She was the most kind and warm-hearted person I have ever met. She would give you the shirt off her back and then some. She always had a smile on her face coming through the door. She was like a mother to me she took me under her wing and was there when I needed her no matter what. She loved it when we brought our children and now our grandchildren to the office; they put a sparkle in her eyes and the biggest smile on her face. She was always a joy to talk to and made you feel very comfortable . If I could have given you one thing in these past 20 years, Pat, I would have given you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Then you would realize how special you were to me. Godspeed my dear friend. I will greatly miss you <3

- Debbie Pearson

Pat White was a cherished colleague and friend. A generous, warm vibrant spirit. She had a quiet charm full of strength and fortitude for all that life offers. A gentle appreciative heart for plants, animals, people and nature. Extremely active and knowledgeable about the environment, sustainable living and natural health and good things in life. She practiced what she knew. She had an amazing understanding of the finer, esoteric details of astrology and our software. She always saw to all the details whether at work, or socially. Always with a smile and a quiet knowing. Her understated grace, charm and knowledge are irreplaceable.

- Marilyn Harquail

Pat was such a constant at Astrolabe that it's hard to envision the office without her. She was the youngest older person that I knew: She was always so aware of what was TRULY going on in politics and healthcare in this country - as so few people are.

We used to have great discussions in these areas - and others, sometimes in the evening when most of the staff had left the office and just the two of us would stay late. I thought I was well-informed, but I always learned something new from her in our discussions, and it always impressed me.

I will miss Pat and our late-evening talks.

- Karen Ryder

Pat - Thoughtful, Caring, Calm. Always made you feel appreciated and valued. Will greatly miss her here at work.

- Carolyn Sorz